Countdown to Independence..


As we draw closer to America’s Independence Day, I smile as I think about my husband’s ‘FREEDOM’ tattoo on his left wrist… and the 10 year celebration of his LACK OF INDEPENDENCE as we celebrate our anniversary this July 4th.

It’s been a long strange trip (nods, Jerry.  thanks for not minding that I took liberty with the words).

From office romance (he never expected ((hoped for?)) more than that goodnight kiss I was sooo reluctant to part with), to globe-trotting travel (we’ve zip-lined through the trees in Costa Rica, lost luggage in Rome, gave Granny her lottery ‘prize’ in Greece, sipped on Dirty Bananas in Jamaica, Caribbean-cruised with families and besties, drove topless ((car top!!)) in Sonoma…), we have planned out the future a million different ways over those years.

Three thousand, six hundred fifty-some days.  A billion belly laughs (mostly mine, but occasionally I’d get his worms aka lips to wiggle).  A thousand bottles of wine (that was a wild weeekend..).  Two thousand some-odd home cooked meals and a ton of baked goodies.  More moves than I care to count, and subsequent garage sales where we sold more than we bargained for (I still miss those tv trays).  Survival of two kids’ teenage years and the enjoyment and wonderment of the blossoming biographical grandchildren.  A few sprinkled apologies (I am sooo sorrry to have offended you! will you EVER forgive me?).  Never enough walks on the beach or stolen kisses.

And now.. a business to call our own.

Our freedom quest has certainly taken on many definition variations over the years.  We’ve sought to work in inspiring careers.  We’ve looked to work with sympathetic bosses.  We wanted to grow with companies who stood behind their employees and encouraged them to be more.  We wanted to retire at 40 and travel the world, buying a pair of shoes in every country.  Okay – perhaps that was more my wish than his…

We learned from each place we worked.  And because of those opportunities for learning, we have been inspired to be… different.    Freedom for us, now, means entrusting those we have hired to succeed.  Because when they grow, and are happy and comfortable and challenged, we will all succeed.

Within our first week in the new office, our team contributed to the creation of a document titled ‘Basati 5 year vision’.  Maybe it’s my own naivete, but it excited me to see that we all took part in building this business.  And, interestingly enough, our combined visions were pretty darn close to a parallel path.  It’s a wonderful road map for the next 5 years of our life.

Our amazing Basati teammates each bring unique perspective and skill.   Some of them are not even aware of the potential that we see and hope to nurture.  We look to each of them to fulfilling the prophesy of our vision.. and help us become a successful, kick-butt company.

Those shoes are calling.

An Amazing Life

Today I face a whole new year.  Yes, it’s my birthday, and perhaps because I am enjoying a pretty amazing life, I actually smiled at the sweet kiss I received from my husband and the lavish affection imparted by my two cats this morning (okay, I exaggerated.  The cats showed me their typical indifference, but hubby was being sweet.  Not that he typically ISN’T sweet.. and I doubt that I’d ever even use the word ‘sweet’ to describe him, but..  Oh, hell.  Get the point or don’t.  It’s MY birthday after all.).  I have also been basking in the glow of dozens and dozens of Facebook messages wishing me the best.   And in addition to an amazing b’day cake (see above, mad props to Abby!), there are quite possibly four DOZEN jell-o shots to add to the alcohol-infused whipped cream (because whipped cream isn’t decadent enough, this bad boy’s 30 proof!  Oh, and hubby’s planned a dinner out with 20 some of my/our closest friends and even a relative or two (more about all the nonsense/lack of family presence later, constant reader, as I don’t want to frighten you off from further posts, not on my special day at least..).

Past birthdays have not been quite so well received.  I have a history of being quite the irritable grouch, in fact.  This isn’t the post for me to start discussing the ‘why’s’, so we’ll just leave it that I had plenty of real and imagined reasons.  As I reasoned with my friend and co-worker, Abby, when I demanded nicely requested she remove from Facebook a non-flattering photo of me – it’s my birthday and I WILL invoke the birthday wish policy.  My day, my wishes rule!  (And yes, Hubby, you live with this rule in perpetuity….)

Nonetheless, on this day I wanted to take the time to thank some of the people in my life who have made a difference, the ones who have put up with me and the ones who typically loved me, ‘no matter what’.  My family plus.  I’ve learned so much from all of you and thought you should know.  I hope it doesn’t come off sounding like an eulogy!

Hubby – you put the ‘bloom’ in this fragile flower.  Thank you for encouraging me to grow, and for allowing me to be silly.  For putting up with a number of embarrassing moments, including the infamous Panera Bread apology scene.  And for (from?) every frog that I’ve ever threatened you with, I’m almost done.  Maybe.  It has been an amazing journey and I am in constant awe (awww) of the man you are.  I love you tremendously and am proud of the you, of the me, and of the we.

Kiddos – you endured a non-traditional Mom and oftentimes were not too afraid to bring your friends over.  Thanks for singing ‘Wonder Boy’ with me – knowing that I’d replay from the beginning if you chose not to FLY WITH ME.

  • Kayla, I am glad you are in my life and I thank you for teaching me about patience, teen fashion (no, that’s not an oxymoron. Kayla, look that word up, it’s not what you think!), and crazy shopping sprees.  You have a wonderful heart and lovely spirit.  We knew/know 8 girls named Kayla but you are an amazing one-of-a-kind.
  • Joe, thank you for being truly original.  You’ve never failed to make me smile (even when you were making me crazy!).  I have enjoyed watching you grow and am pleased that you have such generosity and determination (stubbornness?  family trait..!).  Keep it up, boy.  You are becoming wonderful.
  • Ceres and boys, while you are not ‘biographical’ (love you Kayla!), you are family.  We are blessed to have adopted you into ours.  Thank you for further blessing us with those two amazing monkey boys.  Proof right here, folks, that you CAN choose your family!

Kids, thank you all for knowing when to listen to the ‘Mom’ in your heads.  I’m so proud (crowd) of all of you.

Grandpa, thank you for your stories.  For agreeing to a few sips of whiskey sour to get those knees moving into a ‘dance’.  For being brave enough, at age 86, to adventure with us to Greece and Turkey and for making a shipload of people smile at your grace and humor.  Thank you for your true strength, showing me the gentle man who will still, at 93, pushes in the chair for the  ‘older lady’ at the assisted living facility.  And for going on, even without the love of your (and my) life.  That takes tremendous courage.

Seester, on again, off again, yet we can still pick up the phone and pick up the relationship.  Despite our mother differences, we always have each other.

Megan & JP, Laurie & Anthony, Michael & Annalize (and numerous additional Baldwin Park badasses)- thanks for being such amazing friends and making me realize that no matter what the age, good friends/friendships CAN be established, renewed and cherished.  I am so blessed to have this amazing group of people surrounding me.  We can be as outrageous, or quiet, or goofy, or drunk, around one another, and still enjoy the company.  I’ll drink to that!

Abby, Chris and the rest of the team at Basati, thank you for making this work.  We have the power to do amazing things and each of you bring such valuable contributions that I am consistently impressed with what we can do together.

More to come…

#Trust30 Post

Jackson Browne The Pretender

Ashley Ambirge challenges: Think of a time when you didn’t think you were capable of doing something, but then surprised yourself.  How will you surprise yourself this week?

Which ties well with yesterday’s topic from Lachlan Cotter:  Is fear holding you back from living your fullest life and being truly self expressed? Put yourself in the shoes of the you who’s already lived your dream and write out the answers to the following:

Is the insecurity you’re defending worth the dream you’ll never realize? or the love you’ll never venture? or the joy you’ll never feel?

Will the blunder matter in 10 years? Or 10 weeks? Or 10 days? Or 10 minutes?

Can you be happy being anything less than who you really are?

Now Do. The Thing. You Fear.


So what.  Has been my fear.  I didn’t even have to ponder that one to determine content.  It burps to the surface every day with a nasty little reminder, typically at the most inconvenient of times.  Constant reader, love of my life, the one who puts the perspiration in my inspiration, you know that my greatest fear is not being accepted.  Yes, me, that person you describe as ‘Bubbly’.  ‘Outgoing’.  ‘Social Bee’.  ‘Amazing lover’.  Oh wait- that last one was supposed to be deleted prior to live post.

Dual-natured by birth (go, Gemini, go, damned the ‘new’ astrological chart that says I’m now a bull.  Okay, there’s a stubborn gene present too, but really??), the first 30 some years of my life were spent hiding behind the facade of the quiet one.  Good girl, apt student, doted first grandchild and, for most of those 30 years, accepted daughter.  And simply enough, a shell.  I didn’t extend myself far enough to capture true friends.  Chose not to attend college – after all, what could I possibly BE?  I didn’t cook, or bake, in case it was not good enough.  Words stuck in my head, paragraphs aching to be committed to paper.  A string of failed relationships, the only real emotion behind them anger.  And fear.  And loneliness.  Damn it, I didn’t even realize my own potential to be MORE.

Evil twin, Skippy, ventured out in small measured doses and only made herself available to a trusted few.  Typically coerced by a few sips of alcohol (ahem. but seriously, drink was not necessary and oftentimes not part of the accessory. But it was a convenient enough excuse to have everyone think drunkenness was the cause for the new persona), Skippy was the social creature.  She loved (loves?) to dance.  And talk.  And smile.  And when she ventured far enough from the comfort zone and moved two hours away from all that was ever known, she began to blossom.

And within a (relatively) short time, she was in love.  Ohmywow.  Shedding all that she was (including the ‘ina’ in her name..), T emerged and has grown stronger each passing year.  Those who knew her then would scarcely recognize her transformed self (unless of course, they’d gone to a club with her at some point).  Freedom alas! But with arm candy.  😀

As the T continues her transmutation (no, she is not changing genders..), she becomes more and more sure of herself.  Her cooking creations ROCK, her friends abound, and she is finally able to write.  And now, the final step, she is ready to commit.. to having it read.

Be gentle.

Live.. With Feeling!

Live – v: to be alive; exist.  To continue to be alive.  To pursue a positive, satisfying existence.

Live – adj: Of current interest.  Full of life, energy.

Six weeks ago we embarked on a new adventure.  Today is the day we share our excitement with you (lucky you!) via all our social media channels.  Bear with me…

This ‘adventure’ is actually a new business concept designed to help businesses get the support and tools they need to better compete in today’s economy.  We help businesses address their operational, marketing, and sales challenges.. from website and Facebook page creation/development to marketing plans/pieces to install/implementation.

Our venture is called Basati.

The name is Italian in its origins and it means “stuff”. We chose the name precisely for its literal translation – because based on the talent and resources we now have at our disposal, we can help business with all the “stuff” they have to do to begin growing again!

We believe in this concept.  We know we can truly make a difference in how businesses begin competing again in today’s environment (okay, we are a little conceited.. but it works for us and we hope we can work for you!).

Since we began this effort we have grown to nearly 15 employees. We’ve WOW’d our nearly three dozen clients from our (not quite) downtown Orlando office. We have the resources and the capacity to truly build something that will definitely make a difference.

By now you have to be wondering, how do I check out/connect with these exciting and amazing people who promise to post only good, sometimes humorous information that will positively enhance my life, make my business blossom and make my socks whiter (okay, we can’t really help with the whiter sock part..)?  Here’s how:





It’s been a whirlwind six weeks since we began this but now its time to announce that we are here… and ready to make some waves.

Thanks for taking the time to allow me to share my good news! I’ll be in touch again soon.

#Trust 30, 3rd entry

Today, let’s take a step away from rational thought and dare to be bold. What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to accomplish but have been afraid to pursue? Write it down. Also write down the obstacles in your way of reaching your goal. Finally, write down a tangible plan to overcome each obstacle.

The only thing left is to, you know, actually go make it happen. What are you waiting for?

(Author: Matt Cheuvront)


From the time I was a tot, I was a voracious reader.  From Dr Seuss (You’re Not My Mother – oh, what sad foreshadowing!) to Nancy Drew (favorite place to read was in the bathtub strangely enough), to sitting behind my best friend Kelly in 4th period, Stephen King’s latest wedged in the middle of my Social Studies book.  I trembled through The Shining.

These days I’m focused more on business articles, how-to’s for web development, and non-fiction by way of The Four Hour Work Week.  But I’m still addicted to fictional tales of vampires and dramas.  Night after night I roll over on whatever book I am currently devouring having fallen asleep mid-paragraph.

My love of books, and the written word, created a desire for me to WRITE.  Desire, unfortunately, tat was held down by the obstacle of fear.  I’ve received and read several books on ‘how to’.  I have lots to say.  I’ve had time to commit thought to paper.  But I haven’t  – I’ve been handicapped by my own fear.

what if nobody reads it? what if nobody likes it?

I am fortunate now to have a ‘constant reader’ in my life whose approval is what I crave.  His simple ‘wow’s are enough to keep me committed to this new endeavor. (It also keeps me in shape, on my toes, and smiling mostly.)  These small journalistic bites.. and his enthusiastic comments, are enough to keep me tapping away at the keyboard.

Did I wow you, babe?


Over the Memorial Weekend hubby and I were chatting about direction (mine) for the company.  I had previously determined that recruiting was not what i really wanted to do when I did or didn’t grow up.  I’m going to take on more of a pollination-approach and flit from flower to flower (project to project) overseeing, directing, and documenting.  The first project: create a website that reaches profitability within 60 days.  $1.00 counts as profitable, right?

On Tuesday, May 31st we discussed the new plan with the Basati team and got buy in from Abby and Caila.

Step one: pick a web name out of the 1400+ in Tim’s arsenal. I narrowed down the choices to my top 8 and emailed them to a & c.  Interestingly enough when I received their email responses there was one name common to all three.  With Tim’s blessing, we have a website. immediately calls to mind (mine, it’s warped but hey..): he says, buy the shoes/accessories/stuff.  GO!

Step two: Friday 6/3 A and I brainstormed content for the site.  Our initial thoughts were for accessories, shoes and the like.  We decided that we’d like to have a spot for… trannies (transgenders, not transmissions)… and A through out calling it ogre wear… or fionas.  Excitement took over and we named tabs for fionas fashions, fionas fetishes, fionas forums and fionas flair.  We called over Tim to talk about how to make money.. aka ‘monetization’ options.  Tim gave us ideas about drop shipping, alibaba (a site that connects to producers), and affiliates via ebay links.  We talked about scripts (automated tech) and google adsense and singa (singha, isn’t that a beer in Taiwan?).  Lots to digest and research.

Friday afternoon A and I met with C and we tasked her with finding a dozen or so websites that could appeal to/be user friendly for this site.  We decided our logo would incorporate a shoe into the ‘h’ of hesez.. and the ‘z’ would be a necklace.  We brainstormed for a while and I’m enjoying the direction this project is taking.  We also discussed avatars.. apparently C had created a program that can do this already and we thought that once a user logs in to our site, we would have them create an avatar.  Each purchase they make through the site would give them ‘credits’ to be able to ‘buy’ accessories for their avatars.  That would definitely incent me to shop more!  Yah right.. like I need that type incentive!

#Trust 30, Post 3

One Strong Belief by Buster Benson

It is easy in the world to live after the world’s opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude. – Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance

The world is powered by passionate people, powerful ideas, and fearless action. What’s one strong belief you possess that isn’t shared by your closest friends or family? What inspires this belief, and what have you done to actively live it?


Yeah.  Instead of this topic, so I’m going to re-enact some homework I turned in for Mr Greenfield’s 8th social studies class just a few short years ago.  I’m pretending to answer the questions he assigned for homework but actually write whatever the hell I damn well please.

Sorry Mr Greenfield/constant reader (cause I know it’s only you dear).  I really do appreciate your generosity in the solid B+’s I received in your class.  But c’mon.  How did you expect me to be serious when the question was ‘how are new stars formed’?  Of course it had to involve a momma and poppa star.  Geesh.  I was in 8th grade, after all.  I’d already figured it all out.  NOT!  I was sooo naive then.

Really though, to answer a query about what belief I might p0ssess that isn’t shared by closest friends or family.  First of all, nobody in my family talks with me, and they haven’t for years (aside from Grandpa and an occasional child of mine.  And Grandpa’s easy to please as long as we’re feeding him).  As for my friends, we’re semi a-political, leaning towards liberal (sorry again dear), and rather open in our general acceptance of the shit that occurs.

Which is probably why I like hanging with them in the first place, as opposed to those I have to hide my views and beliefs from.  Like my family.

Bubbles anyone?

Basati #2

hard to believe it’s been… 6 weeks? since we officially kicked off this venture.  we’ve brought on additional staff.  we’ve added a few new clients.  and we’ve decided to part ways with one remote employee who thought our idea of increasing FB friends was to create his own account and then BLAST all of our connections to build his pipeline.

we’ve learned that we’re not all morning people and that being caffeinated and re-caffeinated is imperative for productivity and general cohesiveness of staff.  and that we’re not all morning people and some of us aren’t that happy in the p.m. either.  and closed doors are closed – for a reason.  gru needs a cave.. he will emerge when he’s ready.  headphones are our friend: not everyone likes talk radio.  or rap.  or coughing.  and sitting (bouncing?) on an exercise ball vs a ‘traditional’ chair will get comments. and we are the COOL KIDS and people want to be around us.  sometimes even gru.

we’ve figured out to be thankful for customers.  even those who teach us that even though this is a business, it’s still a relationship and not all relationships are salvageable.  or positive.  and that when you do good business, customers refer other business to us.  and we are extra thankful for this.

we’ve decided that sometimes good.. is good enough.  that we can look at a website, or a logo, or one stinkin’ little word, one too many times and we’re all going to agree that it’s just… okay.  or we’ll see something and think, wow, we did that.  as a team.  and the power of a team is amazing.  or not.  it is like family that you pay on a weekly basis.  have some more coffee.  dear.

but all in all, we’ve decided that we want to be here.  as a team.  doing this.  and please.. let’s have fun.  with a shot of coffee.. patron?

#Trust 30, day 2 post

Your genuine action will explain itself, and will explain your other genuine actions. Your conformity explains nothing. The force of character is cumulative. – Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance

If ‘the voyage of the best ship is a zigzag line of a hundred tracks,’ then it is more genuine to be present today than to recount yesterdays. How would you describe today using only one sentence? Tell today’s sentence to one other person. Repeat each day.


I can choose to make today memorable by exhibiting positivity, well-being and love… blowing bubbles.